'Vaggerydssurret' was an initiative by the Vaggeryds municipality to strengthen habitats and housing for wild pollinators. From 30 May-3 June, the square in Vaggeryd was transformed into a greener square where one can learn more about flowers, bees, and pollination.
As part of the Vaggerydsurret, I ran a series of collaborative art-making workshops with teenagers with ReMida. We painted the library's windows and the floor of the square on the theme of flowers, bees, and pollination. We had over 50 participants.
Feel free to listen to a report from Vaggerydssurret!

Detta tack vare LONA pengar och pengar från Skapande skola ( Statens kulturråd) och framförallt ett gott samarbete med Biblioteken i Vaggeryds kommun och ReMida!!